Requirements Elicitation Approach for Cyber Security Systems

Issa Atoum*
*Assistant Professor, Information Technology, The World Islamic Sciences and Education University, Amman, Jordan.
Periodicity:January - March'2016


Requirements elicitation is considered the most important step in software engineering. There are several techniques to elicit requirements, however they are limited. Most approaches are general qualitative approaches. Thus, they do not suite specific software domain, such as cyber security. This article proposes a new technique to elicit requirements from cyber security strategies. The approach is able to formally define requirements' strengths, and link them with respective analyst's expertise. Consequently, management can easily select the appropriate requirements to be implemented. The use of the proposed approach on a selected cyber security domain showed its applicability on cyber security framework implementations.


Software Requirement, Requirements Elicitation, Cyber Security Frameworks, Strategic Implementation.

How to Cite this Article?

Atoum, I. (2016). Requirements Elicitation Approach for Cyber Security Systems. i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 10(3), 1-5.


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