ATM Password Encryption Using LCD Pad

M.Pushpavalli*, K.Ramya**, R.Chandraleka***
**-*** PG Scholar, Embedded Systems, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, India.
Periodicity:August - October'2015


This paper describes about the prevention of hacking at the ATM centers. LCD pads have been used in the ATM centers, instead of mechanical keypads. It avoids 99% hacking at the ATM centers. Nowadays, one of the most challenging problems of the world is hacking of pin number in the ATM centers. It majorly occurs due to the use of Mechanical Keyboards and one main problem is key de-bouncing, that occurs in these mechanical keyboards. To overcome this, LCD pads are used. Based on the properties of human vision and the traditional cryptography, messages are graphically encoded and hidden into the password displayed on an LCD screen. The digits will be changed or reversed so as to provide security. The message recovery and decoding can be achieved through manipulating the corresponding password entered. LCD pads can thus be replaced for the mechanical Keyboards in order to prevent hacking at the ATM centers.


ATM, LCD Displays, Password Security, Traditional Security.

How to Cite this Article?

Pushpavalli.M., Chandraleka.R., and Ramya.K. (2015). ATM Password Encryption Using LCD Pad. i-manager’s Journal on Embedded Systems, 4(3), 1-6.


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