Techno-Economically Feasible Inverter of 1kw Capacityfor Domestic Solar Panel Use

Arati Mulye*, Sanjay Mohite**
* PG Scholar, Department of Electronics Engineering, Symbiosis International University, Pune, India.
** Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Jaywantrao Sawant College of Engineering, Pune, India.
Periodicity:January - March'2016


Demand of the energy is gradually increasing and as the conventional sources are about to be emptied, new types of energy sources must be create in order to meet the future demands. One of such sources is the photovoltaic cell, which converts sunlight to electrical current, without any mechanical or thermal hardware. This paper represents the design of techno-economical feasible inverter of 1Kw capacity for the use of domestic solar panel. The whole system consists of a single solar panel of 17V-10W, Charge Controller of 600mA-15V and DC to AC inverter. The DC power generated by solar panel is directly fed to the load by converting it into AC power using Inverter. The invert designed is a single phase matrix converter which performs a function such as frequency changer, rectifier, inverter, chopper etc. IGBTs in inverter circuit are switched by pulse width modulation obtained from comparator circuit. Batteries of suitable range are used to store the power. The simulation of inverter is carried out in MATLAB / SIMULINK and hardware design is obtained using readily available IC's and other components.


PV Solar System, Techno-economical Feasibility, Inverter, Matrix Converter.

How to Cite this Article?

Mulye, A., and Mohite, S. (2016). Techno-Economically Feasible Inverter of 1kw Capacity for Domestic Solar Panel Use. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 9(3), 6-11.


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