Mobile Data Collection with Secure Multihop Routing Protocol using Dual Data Upload Clustering in Wireless Sensor Networks

K. Papithasri*, M. Babu**
* PG Scholar, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Knowledge Institute of Technology, Salem, India.
** Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Knowledge Institute of Technology, Salem, India.
Periodicity:May - July'2015


Wireless Sensor Networks have begun as an effective solution for a wide range of applications. Mobile data gathering is an important operation in sensor network. Most of the traditional sensor network architectures consist of static nodes that are deployed over a sensing area. However, a location service is considered, where each sensor essentials to maintain its location information by normally updating its location information within its neighboring set of polling points in the network. There is a moving path planning with multihop relay networks. The source node and the sink node communicate with each other either in single hop or multi-hop network. The existing approaches fail to deliver a guaranteed reliable network in terms of traffic, end-to-end connection and mobility. To overcome the problem of these failures, a Delay Aware Secure Multihop Routing (DASMR) protocol is proposed. In this protocol, sensor networks are first defined with mobile sink and then an overview of the data gathering process is presented in such a scenario based on the role of a mobile sink. Data can be gathered by its own or neighboring node by visiting each polling point through the cluster heads. Here, mobile data gathering is mainly focused on path selection problem. The node is travelled through the path, which is dynamically gathering the information at each cluster head. This DASMR scheme achieves over 70 percent of energy saving per node and 80 percent of energy saving on cluster heads comparing with previous works. Although, the number of polling points are also minimized by visiting the new polling points, which also extends the network lifetime. DASMR reduces the overall energy consumption and optimize the data collection tour to minimize the delay by the sink. Simulation experiments based on GloMoSim is shown to validate the high efficiency of the presented formulations and algorithms.


Cluster Head, Data Gathering, Mobility, Mobile Sink, Polling Point, Wireless Sensor Networks

How to Cite this Article?

Papithasri, K., and Babu, M. (2015). Mobile Data Collection with Secure Multihop Routing Protocol using Dual Data Upload Clustering in Wireless Sensor Networks. i-manager’s Journal on Mobile Applications and Technologies, 2(2), 27-36.


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