Marketing Needed to Make Universities Globally Competitive

Naik B.M*
Board Member, Government College of Engineering, Aurangabad, India.
Periodicity:January - March'2016


The article aims at improving the quality of higher and technical education in India to world class standard. Institutions in knowledge economy are reckoned to be the drivers of development. Indian institutions are making efforts, investing money, appointing professors, students are studying hard but due to the lack of marketing strategy, their efforts do not bring the expected results. Industries do not get new knowledge, new technology from the institutes, and they remain uncompetitive in the global market. Thousands of students with degree in hand are jobless, 25 % of people live below poverty line, India remains a low income economy, with Human Development Index as low as 135. Purpose of the article is to drive deep in the minds of key people, global the winds of change. The institutions are expected to be extrovert, benchmarking the world best institutions. Professors and students have high potential and it can be developed by adopting marketing strategies. The article recommends that we should adopt them without any delay and bring fruits of development to Indian people.


Technology Research, Technology Transfer, Campus Culture, Outreach, Research Park, Incubation Centre, Commercial Exploitation, Intellectual and Technological Capital, Venture Capital, Globally Competitive

How to Cite this Article?

Naik, B. M. (2016). Marketing Needed to Make Universities Globally Competitive. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 12(4), 37-47.


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