Internet of Deep Sea Things: Acoustic Communication,Monitoring Water Pollution and Raw Parameters in Deep Sea

M.Vignesh*, R.Anish**, S. Kanakaraj***, S.GNANATHAMILAN****
*-***PG Scholar, Embedded Systems, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, India.
****PG Scholar, Applied Electronics, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, India.
Periodicity:May - July'2015


Intercontinental Submarines cannot communicate in deep sea and accomplish its purpose unless the accuracy of the signal is tested under the diverse acoustic sound waves. The various underwater noise signals are modulated into message signal like a blue whale up to 240dB, offshore seismic surveys up to 180dB and Peek rock movement up to 180dB could also negatively impact the transmission. The capability of reducing the disturbance signals by the ANFIS based band-pass filter obtains the actual message of underwater submarines. The real time embedded module is constructed with three systems. Firstly, Implementation of Sensor network for analyzing the water pollution in ocean. Secondly, Oceanographic system for analyzing the number of ocean reflected signals visible by the global positioning data. Thirdly, DisasterManagement System(DMS)measuring the sensible parameters (like temperature and pressure) of the deep sea. The implementation of Internet of Things is aweb tool developed for dynamically adjusting and controlling the behavior of submarines and also it communicates with each other to interact with the machine using real time informationwith high encryption standard.


Arduino Development Board, Global Positioning System, Audio Device, Piezo Vibrator, GSM Modem, Ultrasonic Sensor, Turbidity Sensor, Temperature sensor, Pressure Sensor, PH Sensor, Buzzer

How to Cite this Article?

Vignesh.M.,, Anish.R., Kanakaraj.S., and Gnanathamilan.S. (2015). Internet of Deep Sea Things: Acoustic Communication, Monitoring Water Pollution and Raw Parameters in Deep Sea. i-manager’s Journal on Embedded Systems, 4(2), 17-23.


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