Implementation of Portable Health Monitoring System for Soldiers Using Virtex FPGA Kit

B. Ponmalathi*, M. Shenbagapriya**, M. Bharanidharan***
* PG Scholar, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Knowledge Institute of Technology, Salem, India.
**-*** Assistant Professor, of Department Electronics and Communication Engineering, Knowledge Institute of Technology, Salem, India.
Periodicity:May - July'2015


Soldier's health ismore important because they are the defenders who protect our country. Soldier's are affected due to the irregularmonitoring and unavailability of resources at the border. Seriousmanagement problems and less quality of health care leads to various problems inmilitary camp. Real time healthmonitoring enables the detection of abnormal health conditions. Wearable health sensors are drawing serious attention. These devices will transform medical care in unimagined ways. The proposed method will continuously monitor the health condition by using bio sensors and transform health parameter by providing doctors with real time physiological data. Bio sensors are used to detect the soldier's vital parameters such as blood pressure, temperature and pulse rate. Soldier's vital parameters can easily be monitored at a central monitoring station and allow the doctors at the medical camp to know about soldier's health condition. This remote monitoring of the soldier provides a real time storage, visualization and analysis of the physiological data overmobile. Soldier's vital parameters are processed by Virtex FPGA kit. Soldier's vital parameters are measured and stored in the formof Electronic health record using IEEE 11073-10407 for future purpose.


HealthMonitoring System(HMS), Indian soldiers, Virtex Kit.

How to Cite this Article?

Ponmalathi.B., Shenbagapriya.M., and Bharanidharan.M. (2015). Implementation of Portable Health Monitoring System for Soldiers Using Virtex FPGA Kit. i-manager’s Journal on Embedded Systems, 4(2), 5-12.


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