Parameter Selection Using Fruit Fly Optimization

R.S. Shudapreyaa*, S. Anandamurugan**
* PG Scholar, Department of Information Technology, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, India.
** Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, India.
Periodicity:December - February'2016


Fruit fly algorithm is a novel perspicacious optimization algorithm predicated on the foraging comportment of the authentic fruit flies. Recently, an incipient Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm (FOA) has been proposed to solve optimization quandaries. In order to find optimum solution for an optimization quandary, fine-tuned parameters are obtained as a result of manual test in the fruit fly algorithm. This study deals with enhancing the probing efficiency and greatly ameliorate the probing quality and also on an automated approach for finding the cognate parameter by utilizing a grid search algorithm. Also it provides better ecumenical probing ability, more expeditious convergence, and more precise convergence. The optimization of a sizably voluminous antenna array for maximum directivity, utilizing a modified fruit fly optimization algorithm with desultory search of two groups of swarm and adaptive fruit fly swarm population size.


Optimization, Fruit Fly Algorithm, Modified Fruit Fly Optimization, Swarm and Adaptive Fruit Fly Swarm.

How to Cite this Article?

Shudapreyaa, R.S., and Anandamurugan, S. (2016). Parameter Selection Using Fruit Fly Optimization. i-manager’s Journal on Computer Science, 3(4), 29-35.


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