Effect of Mn Content on the Properties Affecting Shape Memory Behaviour of Cu-12Al-4Ni-10Zn Alloy

Rupa Dasgupta*, Ashish Kumar Jain**, Shahadat Hussain***, Abhishek Pandey****, V. Sampath*****
* Senior Principal Scientist, CSIR-Advanced Materials and Processes Research Institute, Bhopal, India.
** Project Fellow, CSIR-Advanced Materials and Processes Research Institute, Bhopal, India.
*** Researcher, CSIR-Advanced Materials and Processes Research Institute, Bhopal, India.
**** Scientist, CSIR-Advanced Materials and Processes Research Institute, Bhopal, India.
***** Professor, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, IIT Chennai, India.
Periodicity:January - March'2016
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jms.3.4.4826


The present paper describes the role of Mn on the properties of a Cu-Al-Ni-Zn shape memory alloy. The effect of addition of different amounts of Mn has been studied on a Cu-12Al-4Ni-10Zn alloy, known to exhibit shape memory properties. The transformation temperatures, phase precipitation and thermal properties have been determined. It has been found that the quantity of Mn has a significant effect on the formation, morphology, and structure of the obtained martensite. Therefore, the properties of these alloys are varied in accordance of these effects. The efficacy of adding Mn and its quantity has been described in this study and a correlation is attempted to relate it to the thermal properties.


Shape Memory Alloy, Transformation Temperature, Martensitic Phase, Enthalpy, Entropy.

How to Cite this Article?

Dasgupta, R., Jain, A. K., Hussain, S., Pandey, A., and Sampath, V. (2016). Effect of Mn Content on the Properties Affecting Shape Memory Behaviour of Cu-12Al-4Ni-10Zn Alloy. i-manager’s Journal on Material Science, 3(4), 35-43. https://doi.org/10.26634/jms.3.4.4826


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