Phenol Remediation: Past and Present Technologies - An Overview

Mahanthi Ranjitha*, V. Sridevi**, D. Divya Teja***
* PG Scholar, Department of Chemical Engineering, Andhra University College of Engineering, Andhra Pradesh, India
** Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Andhra University College of Engineering, Andhra Pradesh, India.
*** U.G.C Fellow, Department of Chemical Engineering, Andhra University College of Engineering, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:November - January'2016


One of the most important environmental problems faced by the world is management of wastes. Industrial processes generate a variety of molecules that may pollute air and waters due to negative impacts such as Toxicity, Carcinogenic and Mutagenic properties. The aim of the present paper is, it provides an outline of the Physico-Chemical characteristics, hazards and remediation measures for control of phenol toxicity. Phenol and its components are extremely toxic and can be easily be isolated from different industrial sewage such as oil refinery, petrochemical industry and mines, especially collier and chemical factories. Hence, the presence of these compounds in the environment could cause environmental pollution, especially in water resources. The purpose of the study is crucial to perpetuate the environment and individual. Various methods are recommended for removal of the phenol from wastewater include physico-chemical and biological like steam stripping, solvent extraction, adsorption, chemical oxidation and biodegradation methods are discussed. The work reported in this study is, the complete removal of the pollutants by the use of physical and chemical processes is not possible. Critical appraisal of the literature reveals that, biological treatment is economical, practical and the most promising and versatile approach as it leads to complete mineralization of phenol producing non toxic end products.


Phenol, Toxicity, Environmental Pollution, Remediation Methods, Xenobiotics, Recalcitrant Compounds, Endogenous, Electrocoagulation, Incineration, Steam Stripping.

How to Cite this Article?

Ranjitha, M., Sridevi, V.., and Teja , D. D. (2016). Phenol Remediation: Past and Present Technologies - An Overview. i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, 11(2), 37-48.


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