Educational Needs of Tuberculosis Patients Based on their Experiences in Karachi, Pakistan

Muslim Shah*, Yasmin Nadeem Parpio**, Raisa Gul***, Asho Ali****
* Assistant Professor, Rehman Medical Institute School of Nursing, Peshawar, Pakistan.
** Assistant Professor, Aga Khan University School of Nursing, Karachi, Pakistan.
*** Professor, Aga Khan University School of Nursing, Karachi, Pakistan.
**** Associate Professor, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Periodicity:November - January'2016


This study aimed to explore the educational needs of tuberculosis patients, based on their experiences in Karachi, Pakistan. Moreover, this study aimed to understand the challenges that the TB patients face in managing their disease. This research study was guided by a qualitative exploratory descriptive design. The purposive sampling technique was used to recruit participants for the study, and a total of ten TB patients was recruited from two TB treatment and diagnostic centers. The data were collected through face-to-face, semi-structured in-depth interviews. Data analysis for the study was done manually by following the five steps of content analysis, as discussed by Creswell (2013). Two major categories and associated sub-categories emerged from the analysis of the participants' narratives. The first category comprises perceptions and misperceptions of TB patients about their disease process, in terms of signs and symptoms, causes and spread, complications, and its treatment. The second category discusses the impact of TB on patients' lives; the financial hardships and the challenges faced by TB patients, such as those related to physical, psycho-social, sexual, and marital life. Tuberculosis (TB) is a major public health issue globally, and Pakistan is included in high TB burden countries. This study highlights that educational needs for TB patients are very important. The burden of TB can be reduced in Pakistan, and the care of TB patients can be improved through effective training of health care professionals. Moreover, further research and awareness programs at different levels can play a pivotal role in controlling and reducing the spread of this disease.


Keywords: Tuberculosis, Knowledge, Impact, Stigma.

How to Cite this Article?

Shah, M., Parpio, Y., Gul, R., Ali, A. (2016). Educational Needs of Tuberculosis Patients Based on their Experiences in Karachi, Pakistan. i-manager’s Journal on Nursing, 5(4), 20 -31.


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