Design and Study of Wind-Solar Hybrid System for Domestic Application

Nikhil V. Nayak*, P.P. Revankar**, M.B. Gorawar***
* Department of Mechanical, B.V. Bhoomaraddi College, Hubli, India.
** Department of Mechanical, B.V. Bhoomaraddi College, Hubli, India.
*** Department of Mechanical, B.V. Bhoomaraddi College, Hubli, India.
Periodicity:November - January'2016


The Government of India has sanctioned funds for production of 190 GW in this direction and this solution is a way to reduce the pollution levels. This support of the go-green initiative by the united nations as well and is a step forward in creating a better environment for the future generations to live in. The proposed work aimed at designing a wind-solar hybrid system for light load application. The tools like Qblade and solidworks were used to model and analyze the wind turbine system, the material used for the blade and hub was balsa wood and the tower a tripod type. The power output of 100 W at an average wind speed of 4.5 m/s has been targeted. The work also aimed at providing electricity to the rural area in India which amount to 25000 in number where there is no provision for electricity, this solution may provide the electricity needs of such villages.


Renewable Energy, Hybrid, Aerofoil Blades, Wind Speeds, Make-in-India, Qblade, Solidworks, Balsa wood.

How to Cite this Article?

Nayak, N. V., Revankar, P. P., and Gorawar, M. B. (2016). Design and Study of Wind-Solar Hybrid System for Domestic Application. i-manager’s Journal on Power Systems Engineering, 3(4), 25-34.


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