Students' Views towards the Usage of Smart Board in Biology Lessons

Recep Onder*, Halil Aydin**
* Research Scholar, Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey.
** Associate Professor, Department of Biology Education, DokuzEylul University, Izmir, Turkey.
Periodicity:December - February'2016


The aim of this study was to determine students' view on the use of smart boards in the tenth grade Secondary Education Biology classes. The research was carried out in a Public High School in Izmir with the participation of ten students. Data of the research were collected through a semi-structured interview and unstructured observation techniques. The data dump were subjected to content analysis in the analysis stage and the results were presented by grouping according to the content properties for study purposes. Students interviewed in research results that facilitate smart board to learn, improve their success, while providing the advantage of changing attitudes towards use; disruptions due to nonavailability and remote emergence of technical problems during the use of smart boards as their disadvantages.


Students' Views, Smart Board, Biology, Photosynthesis.

How to Cite this Article?

Onder, R., and Aydin, H. (2016). Students' Views towards the Usage of Smart Board in Biology Lessons. i-manager's Journal on School Educational Technology, 11(3), 18-28.


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