Self-Concept, Sel-Efficacy, And Ict Literacy Level As Students’ Motivators Towards The Use Of Digital - Technology

O. Agbatogun Alaba*
* Lecturer, Department of Curriculum Studies and Instructional Technology, Olablsl Onabanjo University, Ago Iwoye, Nigeria.
Periodicity:August - October'2007


The study investigated the interactive and relative effects of self-concept, self-efficacy and ICT literacy level on students’ motivation towards the use of digital technology. The study sample comprised 1216 participants drawn from three universities in Ogun State, Nigeria. Four valid instruments were used in collecting data. Multiple regression analysis was utilized to analyse the data. The results indicated that the independent variable combined to predict 57.4% of students’ motivation towards the use of digital technology. Self-concept was not a good predictor of students’ motivation towards the use of digital technology. However self-efficacy and ICT literacy level contributed significantly to the prediction of students’ motivation towards the of digital technology with ICT literacy level making higher contribution to the prediction of the dependent variable. In view of this finding, it was suggested that developing the students’ ICT literacy and self-efficacy would improve students urge towards the use of digital technology that expedient for academic excellence.


Self-concept, Self-efficacy, ICT literacy, Students, Motivation, Digital-Technology.

How to Cite this Article?

O. Agbatogun Alaba (2007). Self-Concept, Sel-Efficacy, And Ict Literacy Level As Students’ Motivators Towards The Use Of Digital - Technology. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 1(2), 19-26.


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