Activity Based Learning as Self-Accessing Strategy to Promote Learners’ Autonomy

R. Ravi*, Xavier P**
*Assistant Professor,Department of Education,Karunya University,Coimbatore.
**Lecturer in Education ,Karunya University,Coimbatore.
Periodicity:August - October'2007


The Activity Based Learning (ABL) is unique and effective to attract out-of -school children to schools. It facilitates readiness for learning, instruction, reinforcement and evaluation. ABL has transformed the classrooms into hubs of activities and meaningful learning. Activity-based learning, naturally leads to cooperative learning. Since group work is a common feature of ABL.  Self-accessing is largely possible in ABL approach. Self access learning promotes students study independently choosing from among different resources that are available. Self-access is closely related to learner-centered approach, learner autonomy and self-directed learning as all focus on student responsibility and active participation for his/her own learning. This style of instruction is most often done in the setting of a self-contained learning environment or self-access center.  This article focuses on learner’s autonomy through ABL as Self-accessing strategy.


Activity based Learning, Self-Accessing strategy, Learner’s Autonomy.

How to Cite this Article?

R. Ravi and Xavier P (2007). Activity Based Learning as Self-Accessing Strategy to Promote Learners’ Autonomy. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 1(2), 7-9.


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