Learning Discrepancy in relation to Personality Factors among Primary School Students

R. Ravi*
* Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Karunya University, Coimbatore.
Periodicity:November - January'2008
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.1.3.450


This study focuses on discrepant achievers, that is, over achiever and under achiever in relation to certain personality factors among the primary school students.  In the present study, the investigator has adopted the correlation method of normative survey research design.  The data were collected into two phases for the present study.  In the first phase, the data were collected from 500 samples from the identified schools using the Intelligence test battery. And for achievement, the marks secured by the samples in the annual examination were taken into account.  After completing the first phase of the data collection, the discrepant achievers that is, under and over achievers were found out using the quartile ranking method.  Accordingly, there were 40 under achievers and 48 over achievers found out and they were labelled as discrepant achievers.  Hence, these 88 samples were subjected to second phase of data collection.   As in the second phase of data collection, the data were collected from the identified discrepant achievers using children’s personality questionnaire. Finally, it is concluded that the personality traits of the selected primary school students does affect their scholastic achievement.


Discrepant Achievers, Over Achievers, Under Achievers, Learning Discrepancy.

How to Cite this Article?

R. Ravi (2008). Learning Discrepancy in relation to Personality Factors among Primary School Students. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 1(3), 55-60. https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.1.3.450


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