Student Goals: Psychological Perspectives

Brent Muirhead*, Jennifer Little**
*College Campus Chair of the Arts and Science College,University of Phoneix,Atlanta,Georgia.
**Faculty ,University of Phoneix,Atlanta,Georgia
Periodicity:November - January'2008


The paper will discuss research insights into student academic goals. Cognitive psychologists have found that effective goal setting procedures involves establishing specific and challenging learning objectives. Students who set difficult goals must be persistent while facing the risk of potential failure that could diminish their intrinsic motivation. Teachers can encourage students to take academic risks by having a supportive classroom climate, creating interesting course work, affirming creative thinking and self-directed goal setting and offering relevant feedback on assignments.


Creative Thinking, Cognitive Psychology, Intrinsic Motivation.

How to Cite this Article?

Brent Muirhead and Jennifer Little (2008). Student Goals: Psychological Perspectives. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 1(3), 1-7.


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