Artificial Neural Network Model of a 25 kW (Peak) Grid Connected Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant

M. Rizwan Khan*, Atif Iqbal**, Imtiaz Ashraf***
*Research Scholar&Lecturer,Department of Electrical Engg,Alligarh Muslim University,Aligarh,India.
**Reader ,Department of Electrical Engg,Alligarh Muslim University,Aligarh,India
***Associate Professor,Department of Electrical Engg,Alligarh Muslim University,Aligarh,India.
Periodicity:January - March'2008


This paper present an artificial neural network (ANN) approach for forecasting the electric energy output from a 25-kWp grid connected solar photovoltaic power plant (SPVPP) installed at Vibhuti Khand, Lucknow, Utter Pardesh, India. The main aim is to develop a model of the system using artificial neural network (ANN) that can accurately forecast electrical energy output generated from the grid connected solar PV system. The ANN interpolates among the solar PV generation output and relevant parameters such as average solar insolation, average module temperature and average humidity . In this study, an ANN model is implemented and validated with reasonable accuracy on real electric energy generation output data. The physical layout and salient features of the power plant is also reported. The proposed ANN method can be extended to any solar photovoltaic power plant (SPVPP) for forecasting energy generation.


Neural network, Photovoltaic, Energy.

How to Cite this Article?

M. Rizwan Khan, Atif Iqbal and Imtiaz Ashraf (2008). Artificial Neural Network Model of a 25 kW (Peak) Grid Connected Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 1(3), Jan-Mar 2008, Print ISSN 0973-8835, E-ISSN 2230-7176, pp. 19-24.


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