Innovation and Management of Internet Banking in Emerging Countries

Achraf Ayadi*
Researcher, Institute National des Telecommunications ,France.
Periodicity:June - August'2006


The informational nature of services renders each IT innovation a source of deep changes. Considering its part in the remaking of processes and the redefinition of the relation with customers. Internet Banking is part and parcel of most recent innovations. However, contrary to corresponding literature in developed countries, Internet Banking stirs little interest in emerging countries for diffusion reasons. Analysis of some specific cases bridges the gap in this field as far as research is concerned.

After a literature review about innovation in services, the state of developments and conditions of success of Internet Banking in emerging countries was analysed.


Innovation, Services, Internet Banking, Emerging Countries.

How to Cite this Article?

Achraf Ayadi (2006). Innovation and Management of Internet Banking in Emerging Countries. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 1(1), 33-37.


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