Neuropsychological definition of learning: Strategies for rewiring neural networks

Laura Barwegen*
*Assistant Professor and Secondary Education Coordinator, Deparlment of Education, Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL. USA.
Periodicity:February - April'2008


For many years, most scientists believed that the physical structure of our brains, and by definition the people we had become, was set after the initial developmental period of early childhood and adolescence.  New research in the area of neurology and neuropsychology is revealing that our brain is a much more open system than ever thought possible, and that the physical structure of our brain can be changed through the experiences that we have throughout our lives.  This article highlights some of the current research which has led to these conclusions, explains how the neuropsychological research affects our views of learning, and provides some concrete recommendations for how we can intentionally pursue and affect long-term in our thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors.


Brain Maps, Learning, Memory, Neural Networks, Neuroplasticity, Perception.

How to Cite this Article?

Laura Barwegen (2008). Neuropsychological definition of learning: Strategies for rewiring neural networks. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 1(4), 9-15.


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