Human Resource Strategy: Introducing A New Management Typology to Make Change Stick

Michael J.R. Butler*
*Lecturer, in Management ,Aston Business school,Aston university ,Birmingham,UK
Periodicity:September - November'2006


I maintain that ideas are events.  It is more difficult to make them interesting I know, but if you fail the style is at fault. (Gustave Flaubert:  Letter to Louise Colet) (15 January 1853)
Human resource management (HRM) is now being seen as a strategic activity.  This recognises that change processes must include the management of human resources as part of an integrated approach to strategy.  Without also linking management development and business strategy, change will not stick and organisations will not develop.  Contributing to the debate about integrating HR and other strategies, including linking management development and business strategy, this paper develops a new Generic Management Typology of co-existing management philosophies in order to help change agents diagnose the culture of an organisation and to modify that culture.  The typology is derived from reflecting on research about the global transformation of public service organisations over the last twenty-five years.


human resource, organization, business strategy

How to Cite this Article?

Michael J.R. Butler (2006). Human Resource Strategy: Introducing a New Management Typology to Make Change Stick. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 1(2), 57-69.


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