How to Effectively Market Distance Education Programs

Jason Dumois*, Zane L. Berge**
*e-Learning Consultant
**Associate professor and former director of fheTraining Systems Graduafe Programs, UMBC, Baltimore MD USA.
Periodicity:December - February'2007


Many organizations have adopted and readily accepted e-learning as a part of their training models. However, one topic that does not often come up in discussions is how to effectively market your distance education (DE) programs. Ever wonder why a distance educational program has had low enrollment and completion rates? This paper will address the importance of integrating marketing into your distance education initiatives. You will learn how strategic planning, designing/developing, promoting, implementing, and evaluating a marketing campaign for your DE programs can greatly influence participation and motivation in your programs. You will also see examples of effective and ineffective DE marketing campaigns, and will ultimately learn how to create a highly effective DE marketing strategy and campaign. With this goal in mind, you will not only learn how to create a winning DE marketing campaign, but also will learn how to evaluate and determine the return on investment (ROI). Evaluation and ROI are two crucial steps that should not be left behind with your DE marketing campaigns.


Distance Education, Effectively Market

How to Cite this Article?

Jason Dumois and Zane L. Berge (2007). How to Effectively Market Distance Education Programs. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 1(3), 46-51.


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