An Evaluation of Copy Cover and Compare Spelling Intervention for an Elementary Student with Learning Disabilities: A Replication

Celena Breach*, T. F. McLaughlin**, K. Mark Derby***
* Teacher, A-3 Multi-Agency Adolescence Program, Spokane Pubic Schools, Washington, USA
** -*** Full Professor, Department of Special Education, Gonzaga University, Washington, USA.
Periodicity:November - January'2016


The purpose of this study was to increase the spelling performance for a 4 grade student with learning disabilities. The second objective was to replicate the document with the efficacy of Copy, Cover, and Compare (CCC) in spelling. The study was conducted in a resource room in a low socio-economic school in the Pacific Northwest. The skill assessed was the number correct spelling words taken from a classroom constructed spelling worksheet. The results showed and increase in number scored correctly when CCC was in effect for each of five sets of spelling words. Using the Percent of Non-overlapping Data points, (PND), the authors also determined that CCC was a very effective intervention. These outcomes replicate other research dealing with CCC.


Copy, Cover, Compare, Learning Disabilities, Spelling, Percent of Non-overlapping Data Points (NDP), Effect Size, Classroom Research.

How to Cite this Article?

Celena Breach, T. F. Mclaughlin and K. Mark Derby (2016). An Evaluation of Copy Cover and Compare Spelling Intervention for an Elementary Student with Learning Disabilities: A Replication. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 9(3), 24-31.


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