Effect of Reflective Teaching Training and Teaching Aptitude on Teaching Skills among Elementary Teacher Trainees

S. N. Vijaya Kumari *, Savita P. Naik**
* Associate Professor, St. Ann's College of Education (Autonomous), Mangalore University, Karnataka, India.
** Lecturer, District Institute of Education and Training (D.I.E.T), Uttara Kannada District, Karnataka, India.
Periodicity:November - January'2016
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.9.3.3769


Teachers serve education, which is an effective instrument of man making. The teachers learn this art through Preservice teacher education programme. Teaching has been a reflective process from the beginning. Reflection is used in all sectors of teacher education, including Vocational and Adult education, for a number of years. Despite numerous articles, there is a little solid empirical evidence that supports the view that it results in superior teaching practices among Elementary teacher trainees. This Research study focuses on the orientation of various processes of capturing Reflection. It also considers the development of Teaching Skills of pre-service teachers' throughout their practicum. In relation to these, it analyzes the effect of Teaching Aptitude in developing Teaching Skills among Elementary Teacher Trainees.

The samples for this experimental research study were Elementary Teacher Trainees selected randomly from Teacher- Training Institutions of Uttara Kannada district, Karnataka, India and were grouped into High and Low Teaching Aptitude groups by administering the standardized Teaching Aptitude Test. 2x2 factorial design was used as an experimental design. Data collection consisted of measuring Teaching Skills by observing lessons and rating the Teaching Skills during the Practicum. The findings of the present study revealed that reflective teaching strategy has significant effect in developing teaching skills. There is no significant effect of teaching aptitude in developing teaching skills as the interaction of reflective teaching strategy and teaching aptitude also has no significant effect on teaching skills. The study suggests that the elementary teacher-trainees perceived the knowledge of reflective teaching after training. This knowledge on reflective process increased their self-awareness towards their teaching skills, which enhanced their professional identity development as teachers. They focused primarily on the instructional processes, motivation, and on classroom management while reflecting on their experiences, while having emphasis on effective teaching so that desired objectives are achieved.


Reflective Teaching Training, Teaching Aptitude, Teaching Skills.

How to Cite this Article?

Vijaya Kumari S.N and Savita P. Naik (2016). Effect of Reflective Teaching Training and Teaching Aptitude on Teaching Skills among Elementary Teacher Trainees. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 9(3), 11-23. https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.9.3.3769


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