Role of Creativity in Organisations

S. Sarangapani*, P. Balasubramian**, K. Chinnasamy***
*Professor & Head of the Department of Management Studies, Aruimigu Meenakshi Amman CoHege of Engineering Vadamavandal, near Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu, India.
**Librarian in Infant Jesus CoHege of Engineering, Keelavallanadu, Thoofhukudl District, Tamil Nadu.
***Reader in Alagappa University Department of library information Science, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu
Periodicity:March - May'2007


No organization can function without being creative at least in some of its endeavors and notably many organizations have become radiant due to restless creativity. All products, all new steps, all processes have been achieved out perpetual quest for innovation and redefinition of every process or step undertaken. Fulfillment of organizational dreams into ground realities is possible only through creativity in the long run. Improving the existing technology and the product or discovering a new one is the essence of creativity which in turn improves services to Customer. If creativity results in elimination of unwanted steps or value addition wherever possible, the company enjoys competitive edge. Cost reduction and quality improvement are not counter-current and creativity makes them a co-current approach as vetted by TQM techniques. The role of business process reengineering is also explained in context of creativity. A status quo attitude is not welcome in creativity and always challenging the existing methods is the origin of creativity. Due consideration is to be given to establish conducive atmosphere in organizations to propel and promote individual creativity, group Creativity and organizational creativity. Fostering personal effectiveness in Creativity is the backbone for the organization to be creative as a whole. The article links the Creative processes and tailors it to the organizational needs. A holistic approach is required in organizations and various phases of the organization along with the approach to Creativity have been explained. All such efforts in an organization will make the organization an edge over others and make it compatible in the globalised scenario. The article ends with probable innovations in next decade and thus sets target for creative personnel.


Role of Creativity, Organization

How to Cite this Article?

S. Sarangapani, P. Balasubramanian and K. Chinnasamy (2007). Role of Creativity in Organizations. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 1(4), 44-48.


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