AMOVA [“Accumulative Manifold Validation Analysis”]: An Advanced Statistical Methodology Designed To Measure and Test the Validity, Reliability, and Overall Efficacy of Inquiry–Based Psychometric Instruments

James Edward Osler II*
Faculty Member, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, School of Education, North Carolina Central University (NCCU), USA.
Periodicity:October - December'2015


This monograph provides an epistemological rational for the Accumulative Manifold Validation Analysis [also referred by the acronym “AMOVA”] statistical methodology designed to test psychometric instruments. This form of inquiry is a form of mathematical optimization in the discipline of linear stochastic modelling. AMOVA is an in–depth statistical procedure for the internal testing of research instruments based on the metrics from the novel “Taxonomy of Process Education”. The Taxonomy of Process Education (TPE) is based off of the Process Education (PE), four–level measures designed to measure self–growth. The PE four levels in particular are viewed as sequential stages (or phases) of professional development. The four levels are also constructed to build towards the highest level of content knowledge or subject matter expertise (Pacific Crest, 2015). The TPE metric has universal applicability and is ideally suited for weighted mathematical measurement of content (subject matter), knowledge (cognitive), disposition (affective), and capability (psychomotor). This original methodology is a novel approach to advanced statistical post hoc data analysis. It adds considerable value to the methods designed to assess instrument validity and reliability especially when said instrumentation is researcher–designed. A sequential AMOVA mathematical model is provided (for sample data “Crosswise–Validation Analysis”) along with its associated PE Taxonomy and measurement metrics in a step-by-step fashion that illustrates the entire process of advanced instrument validation inquiry.


AMOVA, AMOVA Cluster Axiom for Manifold Consistency, Analysis, Accumulative, Accumulative Manifold Validation, Cluster, Crosswise–Validation, Linear Stochastic Modelling, Manifold, Mathematical Model, Mathematical Optimization, Mean, Outcomes, Process Education, Psychometrics, Research, Statistical Test, Statistics, Taxonomy of Process Education, Validation

How to Cite this Article?

Osler, J. E., II. (2015). AMOVA [“Accumulative Manifold Validation Analysis”]: An Advanced Statistical Methodology Designed To Measure and Test the Validity, Reliability, and Overall Efficacy of Inquiry–Based Psychometric Instruments. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 12(3), 19-29.


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