[1]. 'The Psychology Of selling the art of closing sales', by
Brian Tracy (Audio CD - Mar 2002) Abridged.
[2]. 'The new strategic selling The unique sales system
proven successful by the worlds best companies', by
Robert B, Miller, Stephen E. Holman, Tad Tuleja, and J. W.
Marriott (Paperback - April 20, 2005).
[3]. 'The little red book on selling I 2.5 principles of sales
greatness', by Jeffrey Gitomer (Hardcover - Sep 25, 2004).
[4]. 'Selling: building partnerships', by Barton A Weitz,
Stephen B Castleberry, and John F Tanner (Hardcover -
Nov I 8, 2005).
[5]. 'Selling today: creating customer value', Cloth
edition) by Gerald L Manning and Barry L Reece
{Hardcover - Dec 1, 2006).