Parameters Affecting Surface Roughness of Fused Deposition Modeling

0*, Rahul O. Vaishya**
* PG Student, Department of Production & Industrial Engineering, PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh, India.
** Assistant Professor, Department of Production & Industrial Engineering, PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh, India.
Periodicity:November - January'2016


Fuse Deposition Modeling (FDM) is one of the most widely used Rapid Prototyping (RP) technology in market which uses additive manufacturing technic. FDM is not only known for the good mechanical property of its build model but a defame for producing poor surface quality parts compared to other available technologies. The need to ensure that the build part has a good surface quality thus exists. In this paper, the authors concluded the different process parameters and their effects on surface roughness from past studies. Most common parameters used to optimize the surface quality are layer thickness, raster width, air gap, raster angle and orientation. But there are few more parameters which they can use to control the quality of surface. Some of them are humidity, build envelope's temperature and multi-contouring and build style. So, a few pilot experiments were conducted for checking the feasibility of some rarely used process parameters, which are build style and multi-contouring, as optimization parameters for surface roughness. Their results of these experiments show that for the future experiment, they can consider as one of the parameter for building part with a good surface quality. Based on this study, they can use different approaches to achieve their motive to improve quality of build part in FDM machine with a good surface quality.


Fuse Deposition Modeling (FDM), Rapid Prototyping (RP), Surface Roughness

How to Cite this Article?

Badola, M., and Vaishya, R. O. (2016). Parameters Affecting Surface Roughness of Fused Deposition Modeling. i-manager’s Journal on Mechanical Engineering, 6(1), 34-42.


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