SCM Complexities and its associated Challenges in the Indian Automotive Industry

Davinder Saini*, 0**
* P. G Student, Department of Production & Industrial Engineering, PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh, India.
** Assistant Professor, Department of Production & Industrial Engineering, PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh, India.
Periodicity:November - January'2016


The Indian vehicle manufacturing industry along with child part and raw material industries are basking a healthy and increasing growth, in the last two decades. This shoot up has been noticed since the economic liberalization happened in early 1990's. Indian automotive market has grown from 5 million vehicles (2002) to 23.4 million vehicles (FY 2014-2015). nd th India is already on the 2 place in two-wheeler (2W) segment and on 4 place in Commercial Vehicles (CV). India is now poised to rank amongst the top three global automotive markets in all vehicles, by the year 2020. Observing such volatility in the present and future of the Indian auto market, it calls for an analysis of challenges and complexities of Supply Chain Management (SCM) practices that are catering to the industry, so that the trends will shape the futuristic supply chain management practices which can be given a try to predict and understand. This paper seeks to analyse the Indian auto market future trends and presents the status as well as futuristic view of complexities and challenges that affects the SCM practices. It is the best hope that this study will provide an understanding which will help in adopting good SCM practices in auto industry and lead to various competitive advantages.


Indian Automotive Industry, Growth, Supply Chain Management (SCM), SCM Practices, SCM Challenges

How to Cite this Article?

Saini, D., and Jawalkar, C. S. (2016). SCM Complexities and its Associated Challenges in the Indian Automotive Industry. i-manager’s Journal on Mechanical Engineering, 6(1), 1-8.


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