Design and Analysis of Fuzzy Logic, Sliding Mode,Dynamic Sliding Mode and PID Controllers for LevelControl in A Prototyped Split Range Plant

S. Harivardhagini*, A. RaghuRam**
* Associate Professor, CVR College of Engineering, Hyderabad, India.
** Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, India.
Periodicity:August - October'2015


In most of the Industrial and pharmaceutical applications, we need precise level control in tanks. The more precise the level is controlled, much better quality of product we yield. Practically PID controllers are used, but to increase precision few more controllers are implemented. In this paper, a split-range setup is designed and the level in the tank has to be controlled. To this split-range setup various controllers such as PID Controller, FUZZY Controller, Sliding Mode Controller (SMC) and Dynamic Sliding Mode Controller (DSMC) have been designed and implemented using LabVIEW. Advanced Controllers are implemented to yield best results of characteristics such as time taken to attend the set point, overshoot, oscillations persistence, etc. At last the best controller is suggested for this type of application.


Level Control, Split-Range Setup, LabVIEW, PID Controller, Fuzzy Controller, Sliding Mode Controller (SMC), Dynamic Sliding Mode Controller (DSMC).

How to Cite this Article?

Harivardhagini, S., Ram, A.R. (2015). Design and Analysis of Fuzzy Logic, Sliding Mode, Dynamic Sliding Mode and PID Controllers for Level Control in A Prototyped Split Range Plant. i-manager’s Journal on Instrumentation and Control Engineering, 3(4), 28-35.


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