Behavior Modeling and Comparison of Envelope Tracking vs Envelope-Elimination-and-Restoration for Class E SiGe PA Linearization

Yan Li*, Jerry Lopez**, Donald Lie***
*Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, TexasTech. University, Lubbock, TX, U.S.A.
** Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, TexasTech. University, Lubbock, TX, U.S.A.
*** Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas Tech. University, Lubbock, TX, U.S.A.
Periodicity:April - June'2008


A modified bias-dependent Cann’s model and performed IC design and hardware experiments to study the linearization of a highly-efficient monolithic quasi-class E SiGe power amplifier (PA) IC using both Envelope-Tracking (ET) and Envelope-Elimination-and-Restoration (EER) techniques. Our PA behavior model fits the measured SiGe PA IC data very well across a wide range of bias and supply voltages. Both measurement and simulations show that the ET-linearized PA system is significantly less sensitive to the timing misalignment between the amplitude and the RF signal path than the EER-linearized PA system. Our experimental results also prove that ET successfully linearized the SiGe PA to pass the stringent EDGE transmit mask at 900MHz, while EER could not. Simulations based on our PA behavior model predict that the optimal timing alignment for ET linearization can be achieved at PA base bias voltage Vbb=0.55-0.6V, which is consistent with our measurement results as well.


Power Amplifier Linearization, Quasi-Class E, SiGe PA, Cann’s Model, Envelope-Tracking, Envelope-Elimination-and-Restoration, Time Mismatching

How to Cite this Article?

Yan Li, Jerry Lopez and Donald Lie(2008). Behavior Modeling and Comparison of Envelope Tracking vs Envelope-Elimination-and-Restoration for Class E SiGe PA Linearization. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 1(4), Apr-Jun 2008, Print ISSN 0973-8835, E-ISSN 2230-7176, pp. 15-21.


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