Dead Time Correction of Residence Time Distribution through Digital Signal Processing

Mohamed S. El_Tokhy*, Ibrahim M. Fayed**, Mouldi A. Bedda***, H. Kasban****
*-*** Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering, Aljouf University, KSA.
** Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, College of Engineering, Aljouf University, KSA.
**** Department of Electrical Engineering, Nuclear Research Center, Atomic Energy Authority, Cairo, Egypt.
Periodicity:October - December'2015


This paper discusses the signal preprocessing of the acquired radiation signal for Residence Time Distribution (RTD). Radiation signals of Molybdenum-99 (Mo99 ) were acquired through system setup. This system begins with a scintillator detector, channel counter and a Personal Computer (PC). Different forms of noise are accompanied with the RTD radiation signal. Consequently, an algorithm was proposed based on signal processing. This algorithm depends on background correction, base line restoration, statistical error computation, radioactive decay correction and dead time correction methods. Therefore, background correction was performed using two independent methods. These methods are the minimum value of the RTD radiation signal method and the subtraction method. Then, base line restoration was performed. Statistical error of the RTD radiation signal was computed. However, two different methods were studied for radioactive decay correction. Moreover, a dead time correction method is proposed. Therefore, dead time percent is obtained. Consequently, the number of lost pulses is investigated. The accuracy of the considered algorithm is determined based on statistical measurements of the acquired RTD signal. A remarkable accuracy of the dead time measurements is observed.


Dead Time, Scintillator Detector, Decay Correction, Signal Processing Algorithms.

How to Cite this Article?

El_Tokhy,M.S., Fayed,I.M., Bedda,M.A., and Kasban.H. (2015). Dead Time Correction of Residence Time Distribution through Digital Signal Processing. i-manager's journal on Digital Signal Processing, 3(4), 1-8.


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