ESET: [Eagles Student Evaluation Of Teaching] - An Online Andragogical Student Ratings Of Instruction Tool That Is An In–Depth Systemic Statistical Mechanism Designed To Inform, Enhance, And Empower Higher Education

James Edward Osler II*, Mahmud A. Mansaray**
* Faculty Member, North Carolina Central University, USA.
** Research Analyst, North Carolina Central University, USA.
Periodicity:September - November'2015


This paper seeks to provide an epistemological rationale for the establishment of ESET (an acronym for: “Eagles Student Evaluation of Teaching”) as a novel universal SRI [Student Ratings of Instruction] tool. Colleges and Universities in the United States use Student Ratings of Instruction [SRI] for course evaluation purposes (Osler and Mansaray, 2013a). This research investigation is the third part of a post hoc study that psychometrically examines the reliability and validity of the items used in an Historic Black College and University (HBCU) SRI instrument. The ESET sample under analysis consisted of the responses to 56,451 total items extracted from 7,919 distributed Student Ratings Instruments that were delivered electronically (at HBCU) to students who completed the ESET tool. The ESET methodology provides a statistically valid SRI/SET survey instrument along with a variety of post hoc statistical measures to determine the efficacy of collegiate instruction. This research is also the continuation of research conducted on innovative statistical metrics introduced in the i-managre’s Journal on Mathematics.


Advanced Statistics, Construct Validity, Cronbach's Alpha, Efficacy, Formative Assessment, Goodman & Kruskal's Lambda, Principal Component Factor Analysis, Reliability, Statistics, Student Ratings of Instruction [SRI], Summative Assessment, Tri–Squared Test and Validity.

How to Cite this Article?

Osler, J. E., II. and Mansaray.M.A. (2015). ESET: [Eagles Student Evaluation Of Teaching] - An Online Andragogical Student Ratings Of Instruction Tool That Is An In–Depth Systemic Statistical Mechanism Designed To Inform, Enhance, And Empower Higher Education. i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 11(2), 24-42.


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