Managing Information Technology (IT) Project Risk

Richard M. Kesner*
Executive Professor in Management Information Systems (MIS) for the College of Business Administration Northeastern University.
Periodicity:March - May'2007


IT field is growing fast and developments are happening rapidly. Every professional wants to achieve the maximum in this, but to achieve success in project delivery, information technology (IT) professionals need to be good risk managers.  Given the scope and complexity of many IT projects, risk management is both a major concern and a serious challenge.  This article considers the dimensions of IT project risk and recommends processes for the tracking and mitigation of these barriers to successful project delivery.   Built upon years of field-tested experience, the author’s approach includes a comprehensive view of risk factors as well as a simple but effective tool for assessing IT project risk.  As the author will demonstrate, if the identified risks of particular project are too great, his process and tool set will drive the project team to either risk exposure mitigation or the rescoping of the effort to remove particular pitfalls that might otherwise adversely affect delivery.


Managing Information Technology, Project Risk

How to Cite this Article?

Richard M. Kesner (2007). Managing Information Technology (IT) Project Risk. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 1(4), 16-30.


[1]. Black, Ron. The Complete idiot s Guide to Project Monogement with Microsoft Project 2000 (New York, QUE Press, 2000).
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[1O]. Lewis, James R The Project Manager's Desk Reference, 2~ edition, (New York: McGraw Hill Trade, I 999).
[1 I ]. Mulcahy, Rita. Risk Management Tricks of the Trade for Project Managers (Newton Square, PA, PMi, 2003)~
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[14]~ Project Management Institute. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, 2000 Edition (Newton Square, PA, PMi, 2000). Also see the Project Management Institute's Web site for additional reference tools and project management training opportunities (,
[15]. Sadgrove, Kit . The Complete Guide To Business Risk Management (Aidershot, UK: cower Publishing, 2005).
[1 6]. Smith, Preston G . , and Merritt, Guy M. Proactive Risk Management (NewYork, Productivity Press, 2002).
[17]. Verzuh, Eric. The Fast Forward MBA in Project Management Second Edition (NewYork: Wiley, 2005), Appendix A: The Risk Management Matrix
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