MDA – A Predictive Tool for Service Quality in Banks

*Reader,Department of BusinessAdministration N. M. S. S. V. N. College, Madurai..
Periodicity:June - August'2007


Financial services are inherently intangible and with credence qualities.  In order to promote them effectively, a service provider must first identify the dimensions used by consumers to evaluate the service quality of banks prior to becoming a customer.  Understanding the antecedents to customers satisfaction and its outcome is a critical issue for both academicians and bank marketers.  Previous research has identified service quality, disconfirmation, performance, desires, affect and equity as important antecedents of customer’s satisfaction.  The current paper reports the findings from a survey, which looked into the discriminant service quality factors among the three groups of banks in retail banking.  A sample of 300 respondents took part in this study.  But only 252 customers responded.  Findings indicate that the reliability and responsiveness are the important discriminant service quality factors among the three groups of banks.  The paper discusses implications for bank managers.


Banking: Retail Banking: Service quality; Multi Discriminant Analysis (MDA); Service Performance Analysis (SERVPERF); Group of banks Content Indicators, Research Implication, Practice Implication, Originality-Readability

How to Cite this Article?

Vanniyarajan (2007). MDA - A Predictive Tool for Service Quality in Banks. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 2(1), 48-57.


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