Are You Negotiating Ethically? Some Guidelines Proposed

Patrick Kim Cheng Low*
*The former Associate Dean of the Bang college of Business, Kazakhstan institute of Economics and Strategic Research, Aimaiy Kazakhstan
Periodicity:June - August'2007


Through a survey of literature, focus groups and interviews, the study explores the issue of negotiation and ethics. In this study, two vital issues are examined. One, what are the conditions under which negotiators perceive they would engage in deception and two, how can negotiators best answer the question of whether a given action or tactic is ethical.


Negotiation, Ethics, Deception, Reverse Golden Rule, Role Modelling; Third Party’s Views

How to Cite this Article?

Patrick Low Kim Cheng (2007). Are You Negotiating Ethically? - Some Guidelines Proposed. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 2(1), 40-47.


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