Mango Fruit Inspection Technique through Machine Vision System

Abarna J*, Arockia Selvakumar A.**
* Post Graduate, VIT University, Chennai, India.
** Associate Professor, VIT University, Chennai, India.
Periodicity:August - October'2015


In recent days, machine vision based system has become important for many areas even in Agricultural fields and Food industry. In this paper, an automatic machine vision based system for sorting of the mango fruit based on their colour and size has been developed. The proposed machine vision system is aimed to replace the manual based technique for sorting of fruit, as the manual inspection tend to make problems in maintaining consistency and uniformity in sorting. To maintain the consistency, uniformity, accuracy as well as to speed up the process, a machine vision based system is used in mango sorting. Mango fruits size and colour are analyzed using Caliper and Match colour functions. Based on the simulation results, this mango sorting technique is found to be faster, effective and intelligent.


Machine Vision, Mango Sorting, Image Processing, Vision Builder

How to Cite this Article?

Abarna, J., and Selvakumar, A. A. (2015). Mango Fruit Inspection Technique through Machine Vision System. i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, 11(1), 32-36.


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