Exergy, Exergy Destruction Rate and Exergy Efficiency Analysis of Thermal Power Plants by a Computer Software at Various Operating Conditions

Ankur Geete*
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sushila Devi Bansal College of Technology, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:August - October'2015
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jfet.11.1.3655


This research work is based on coal fired thermal power plant. Component wise exergy, exergy destruction rates and exergy efficiencies are evaluated for the power plant. The component/device which has higher exergy, higher exergy destruction rate or which has lower exergy efficiency is identified. This work can be analyzed by manual calculations, but this method is hectic and also has chance of human error. So a computer software is designed for component wise analysis at various operating conditions. This software is also used to analyze exergy, exergy destruction rate and exergy efficiency for other coal fired thermal power plants. This work can be concluded as, maximum exergy destruction occurs in boiler for both plants, and maximum second law efficiency is achieved in steam turbine. Therefore, when amount of fuel used in the boiler increases, the exergy destruction rate increases and second law efficiency decreases. Effects of different ambient temperatures on the performance of the plants are observed, and for condenser, if mass flow rate of circulating water increases then the exergy destruction rate decreases and second law efficiency increases.


Exergy, Exergy Destruction Rate, Exergy Efficiency, Power Plants, Computer Software.

How to Cite this Article?

Geete, A. (2015). Exergy, Exergy Destruction Rate and Exergy Efficiency Analysis of Thermal Power Plants by Computer Software at Various Operating Conditions. i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, 11(1), 8-22. https://doi.org/10.26634/jfet.11.1.3655


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