Biotrichotomy: The Neuroscientific and Neurobiological Systemology, Epistemology, and Methodology of the Tri–Squared Test and Tri–Center Analysis in Biostatistics

James Edward Osler II*
North Carolina Central University
Periodicity:August - October'2015


This monograph provides a neuroscience–based systemological, epistemological, and methodological rational for the design of an advanced and novel parametric statistical analytics designed for the biological sciences referred to as “Biotrichotomy”. The aim of this new arena of statistics is to provide dual metrics designed to analyze the Pre and the Post Hoc outcomes of biological phenomena. The data analysis methodology of “Biotrichotomy” as “Biotrichotometrics” uses the unique instrumentation of the qualitative to quantitative “Tri–Squared Test”and its associated Post Hoc statistic “Tri–Center Analysis” as in–depth data analytic psychometrics. Using these two tools together the researcher has a seamless longitudinal research methodology. Access through these procedures also allows the use of the traditional parametric statistical measures of central tendency within the trichotomous research design framework. In terms of post hoc metrics, Tri–Center Analysis involves the computation of normal distribution parametric measures to examine the values of an independent statistically significant Tri–Squared Test. Both systems of statistical analysis were initially introduced in the i-manager’s Journal on Mathematics and i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology respectively, and the result of this paper illustrates their utility, usability, and viability.


Acrophase, Antimode, Batiphase, Biostatistics, Biotrichotomy, Biotrichotometrics, Categorical, Cognition, Gaussian Curve, Investigation, Mathematical Model, Mean, Median, Mode, Normal Curve, Normal Distribution, Neurobiology, Neuroscience, Outcomes, Post Hoc, Research, Results, Systemology, Trichotomous, Trichotomous Calculations, Tri–Squared, Tri–Squared Test,Statistics, and Variables.

How to Cite this Article?

Osler, J. E. (2015). Biotrichotomy: The Neuroscientific and Neurobiological Systemology, Epistemology, and Methodology of the Tri–Squared Test and Tri–Center Analysis in Biostatistics. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 9(2),32-42.


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