Secure Photo Sharing in Online Social Network

Krithikaa Venket*, R. Chithra Devi**
* PG Scholar, Department of Information Technology, Dr. Sivanthi Aditanar College of Engineering, Tiruchendur, India.
** Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology, Dr. Sivanthi Aditanar College of Engineering, Tiruchendur, India.
Periodicity:September - November'2015


A popular feature of many Online Social Network (OSN) is photo tagging and photo sharing that allows users to annotate the images who are present in the uploaded images. To overcome the user's privacy, a Facial Recognition (FR) system has been designed effectively during sharing, posting and liking of the photos. An increasing number of personal photographs are uploaded to Online Social Networks, and these photos do not exist in isolation. Photo tagging is a popular feature of many social network sites. The FR system is superior to some possible approaches in terms of increase in recognition ratio and efficiency. To achieve this, OSN specifies a privacy policy and an exposure policy. By these policies, individuals are enabled in a photo by providing permissions before posting a co-photo [11]. Exploring computational techniques and confidentiality of training sets that takes advantage of these trends seems a worthwhile endeavor. To share our photo safely we need an effective FR system, which can recognize everyone in the photo. We also attempted to develop users' private photos for designing an adaptive Face Recognition system specifically used to share a photo with their permission. Finally, the system protects user's privacy in photo sharing over Online Social Network.


Online Social Network, Annotate, Photo Privacy, Photo Sharing

How to Cite this Article?

Venket. V. S. K and Devi. R. C (2015). Secure Photo Sharing in Online Social Network. i-manager’s Journal on Information Technology, 4(4), 42-51.


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