Students’ Absence Registration and Reporting

Rana D. Alanni*, Atheer M. Al-saraaf**, Mohammed M. Noori***
* Lecturer, Department of Information and Communication, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq.
**,*** Research Scholar Department of Information and Communication, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq
Periodicity:September - November'2015


Whole world and administrators of Educational institutions are concerned about the regularity of student;s attendance. Students overall academic performance is affected by the student's presence in his/her institute. Due to that, keeping track of student’s attendance becomes an important job in an academic environment. This paper presents a software design and implementation for taking student’s attendance and extract different kinds of absence reports. The software system is based on inserting, deleting, updating and querying of a database management system. In this system, the teachers engaging different classes are required to submit the attendance of the students present in their class regularly. The administrator monitoring this information, can extract different reports about a student’s weekly absence or whenever he/she wants the details using this system.


Student Absent, Database Management, Attendance Management System.

How to Cite this Article?

Alanni. R. D, Al-saraaf. A. M and Noori. M. M (2015). Students’ Absence Registration and Reporting. i-manager’s Journal on Information Technology, 4(4), 25-32.


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