Involving Customers in the Product Development Process through Quality Function Deployment Framework

J.R. Sharma*, A.M. Rawani**
*Faculty Department of Mechanical Engineering,M. P Institute of Engineering &Technology(MIETI, Gondlo(M S), Indio.
Periodicity:June - August'2007


To stay competitive and lead the market, a company needs to be responsive to changing customer demands and moves from their competitors. The success of new products is determined particularly by the extent to which the producer succeeds in developing products that meet consumer demands. This implies that product development has to be fast in order to incorporate the latest trends in the product. Over the last few years an impressive body of research has accumulated on the topic of product development and the purpose of this article is to synthesize and analyze that literature in order to assess the research progress in the area and also to assess our understanding of involving users in the development process.

In this paper, an attempt is made not only to analyze existing models of Product Development but also introduces an integrated concept and methodology - the Customer Driven Product Development through Quality Function Deployment - to address these issues. The paper is composed of Product Development background, related literature review and list of steps for model development. The concepts presented in this paper are not yet widely practiced. Ample opportunity exists for additional empirical research in and calibration to specific settings. Nevertheless, this work integrates several theories and practices into a useful framework.


Customer, User Requirements, Product Development, QFD

How to Cite this Article?

J.R. Sharma and A.M. Rawani (2007). Involving Customers in the Product Development Process Through Quality Function Deployment Framework. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 2(1), 19-35.


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