Influence of Educational Environment on Academic Performance of Nursing Students

Maxie Martis*, Rubiya I Shekh**, Thankamma M.S***
* Associate Professor, St. Ignatius Institute of Nursing Sciences, Honavar, India.
** Assistant Lecturer, St. Ignatius Institute of Health Sciences, Honavar, India.
*** Principal, St. Ignatius Institute of Health Sciences, Honavar, India.
Periodicity:August - October'2015


The context of learning, the educational environment and the learning styles have an influence on the academic performance. While the context of learning and learning styles are individualistic, the educational environment provided by an institution is generic. The aim of this study was to assess the education environment as perceived by the learners. The objectives of the study were to describe the educational environment and academic performance and identify the relationship between educational environment and academic performance. A cross sectional survey was held in December 2013, in one of the nursing institutions in India offering diploma and graduate nursing program. The Participants were the enrolled students available on the day of data collection and consented to the study. The total score obtained in the board/university examination was the measure of academic performance. The total score obtained from the administration of Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure (DREEM) was regarded as the educational environment. The Karl Pearson correlation coefficient was used to assess the relationship between educational environment and academic performance. The educational environment was perceived as 'more positive' by 84.84% of graduate (n=66) and 76.66% of diploma nursing students (n=90). However, the relationship between education environment and academic performance was not statistically significant among graduate (r= 0.006, p= 0.97, n=44) and diploma (r= 0.145, p=0.22, n=73) students. Nursing students should make effective use of the educational environment.


Education Environment, Academic Performance, Nursing, India

How to Cite this Article?

Andrade, M., Shekh, R.I., and Thankamma, M.S. (2015). Influence of Educational Environment on Academic Performance of Nursing Students. i-manager’s Journal on Nursing, 5(3), 35-40.


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