Development of Solar Powered Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System

Prasanthi*, J. Chandrakala**
* Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, JNTUA College of Engineering, Ananthapuramu, Andhra Pradesh, India.
** PG Research Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, JNTUA College of Engineering, Ananthapuramu, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:August - October'2015


The continuous increase in the cost and demand for energy has led to more research and development to utilize available energy resources efficiently by minimizing waste energy. Absorption refrigeration systems increasingly attract research interests [15]. Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System (VARS) offers the possibility of using heat to provide cooling. The Vapour absorption refrigeration system utilizing solar energy would generally be more efficient. For this purpose, heat from conventional boiler can be used or waste heat and solar energy. Absorption system falls into two categories depending upon the working fluid. These are the LiBr-H2O and NH3-H2O Absorption Refrigeration system. In LiBr-H2O system, water is used as a refrigerant and Li-Br is used as an absorbent, while in NH3-H2O system ammonia is used as an refrigerant and water is used as an absorbent, which served as standard for comparison in studying and developing new cycles and new absorbent/refrigerant pairs. Many researchers have studied the solar absorption refrigeration system in order to make it economically and technically available. But still, much more research in this area is needed. This paper will help many researchers working in this area and provide them with fundamental knowledge on absorption systems, and a detailed review on the past efforts in the field of solar absorption refrigeration systems with the absorption pair of ammonia and water. This knowledge will help them to start the parametric study in order to develop new refrigeration systems with the help of solar energy.


Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System (VARS), Solar Energy, Co-efficient Of Performance (COP), Evacuated Tube Solar Collector

How to Cite this Article?

Prasanthi, G., and Chandrakala,J. (2015). Development of Solar Powered Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System. i-manager’s Journal on Mechanical Engineering, 5(4), 1-6.


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