Dynamic Neuroscientific Systemology: Using Tri–Squared Meta–Analysis and Innovative Instructional Design to Develop a Novel Distance Education Model for the Systemic Creation of Engaging Online Learning Environments

James Edward Osler II*, Mark Anthony Wright**
*_** North Carolina Central University, USA.
Periodicity:July - September'2015
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jet.12.2.3614


The purpose of this research investigation was to look at the factors that lead to isolation, lack of student inspiration and motivation, lack of student engagement and lack of student retention in the asynchronous online learning environment. The study further delves into how the use of cognitive and neuroscience research can inform the design of an interactive user interface model to address the aforementioned factors. The instrument used in this study was researcher designed “Tri–Squared Test Inventive Investigative Instrument” (Osler, 2012). The data was analyzed using the novel Tri–Squared Meta–Analysis methodology. The results yielded significant differences in the Tri–Squared Meta–Analysis regarding the research literature as it relates to the overall use of cognitive science, neuroscience, and the science of design to increase the overall effectiveness of distance education in terms of course design based upon neuroscientific graphic user interface concepts and principles. This illustrates that there is a clear lack of relevant research regarding the use of cognitive science, neuroscience, and the science of design to truly create effective and engaging distance education online courses


Analytics, Asynchronous, Brain-Based Learning, Cognition, Cognitive Science, Distance Education, Educational Science, Instrument, Investigation, Instructional Design, Learning Science, Mathematical Model, Neurobiology, Neuroeducation, Neurolaw, Neuroscience, Neuroplasticity, Online Learning, Outcomes, Research, Static Test, Statistics,Synchronous, Trichotomy, Tri–Squared, Tri-Squared Meta–Analysis, Tri–Squared Test.

How to Cite this Article?

Osler, J. E., II. and Wright , M .A.(2015). Dynamic Neuroscientific Systemology: Using Tri–Squared Meta–Analysis and Innovative Instructional Design to Develop a Novel Distance Education Model for the Systemic Creation of Engaging Online Learning Environments. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 12(2), 42-55. https://doi.org/10.26634/jet.12.2.3614


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