Moblogging Type and its Relation with Usability and Development of Knowledge Management Skills for Blind Students

Akram Fathy Mostafa*
Associate Professor in Instructional Technology, South Valley University (Qena) & King Abdulaziz University (Jeddah).
Periodicity:July - September'2015


The aim of the research is to explore the relation of mobile Blogging (Moblogging -MB) on the usability and development of Knowledge Management skills for Blind Students. The research followed a pretest and posttest quasi experimental design .Participants were 17 blind students from the third semester of the academic year 2015 in the course of Computer Applications in Special Education. (SPED 507) - the High Diploma in Special Education ( Visual Impairment branch) at the Program of Educational Graduate Studies at King Abdel Aziz University. The independent variable was MB type on two different levels: The first level independent variable is Text moblogging (TMB) and the second level independent variable is Audio Moblogging (AMB). Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected, including Knowledge Management skills test and usability measurement scores. Findings indicated that AMB participants performed significantly better than TMB in Knowledge Management skills and there are no significant difference between the medium range degrees of student average scores for the first experimental group (TMB) and second experimental group (AMB) in the usability measurement for blind students related to MB type.


Mobile Blogging (Moblogging), Knowledge Management Skills, Usability , Learning.

How to Cite this Article?

Mostafa, A. F. (2015). Moblogging Type and its Relation with Usability and Development of Knowledge Management Skills for Blind Students. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology,12(2), 7-18.


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