Partnering Applications: Continuing benefits to Organization

Jeanne D. Maes*
Professor of Management of the Mitchell College of Business, University of South Alabama. USA
Periodicity:March - May'2007


Partnering is a process that combines team building, visioning, strategic planning, and innovative conflict resolution techniques.  It affords organizations opportunities for positive collaborative relationships that may offer them a way to maximize effectiveness and create competitive advantage in the marketplace.

In this article, the partnering process is discussed in such a way so as to provide a “how-to” approach for any manager wishing to use the process.  Partnering is defined, steps in the process are explained, vulnerabilities are listed, and applications are explored.


Benefits to Organization, Partnering Application

How to Cite this Article?

Jeanne D. Maes (2007). Partnering Applications: Continuing Benefits to Organizations. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 1(4), 12-15.


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