Software Marketing Management- Diffusion Modeling

Kumar Saurabh*
*Saiyam Learning Centel:; Satyam Computer Services Ltd. Hyderabad, India
Periodicity:June - August'2007


Software Marketing Management(SMM) is business discipline focused on the practical application of marketing techniques and the managementof a firm's marketing resources and activities. Software Marketing managers are often responsible for influencing the level, timing, and composition of customer demand in a manner that will achieve the company's objectives. Software marketing management as "the art and science of choosing target marketsand getting, keeping and growing customers through creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer value." This paper gives the insights of diffusion of new software product and its adoption in the market. We will model the diffusion and adoption of the new software strategy and will suggest the scenarios through simulation result.


SMM, System Dynamics, Causal Loop Diagram

How to Cite this Article?

Kumar Saurabh (2007). Software Marketing Management - Diffusion Modeling. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 2(1), 10-13.


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