Nurses' Value Conflict and its Impact on their Mentally Ill Clients

Zahira Amir Ali Khalfan*, Lubna Ghazal**, Khadija Dossa***, Afsheen Amir Ali Hirani****
*-***-**** Nurse Intern, Aga Khan University Hospital Karachi, Pakistan.
** Senior Instructor, Aga Khan University- School of Nursing and Midwifery (AKU-SONAM), Karachi, Pakistan.
Periodicity:May - July'2015


Value clarification through self-awareness is one of the essential components for nurses to maintain a therapeutic relationship with their clients. This paper explores an issue related to nurses' value conflict that hinders therapeutic communication and nurse-patient relationship with mentally-ill patients. This paper presents a case scenario of a mentally-ill client who suffered from the judgmental attitude of the nurse due to nurse's value conflict, lack of acceptance, lack of respect and unnecessary intrusion in client's personal boundary. Thus, a therapeutic nurse-client relationship can be initiated and maintained if nurses' reflect critically, clarify their values and use therapeutic communication skills. Some of the therapeutic techniques is used like developing empathy, accepting, respecting the way the client is, may enhance the nurses' interaction with their clients and may help in promoting their mental health. Finally this paper concludes key learning from the scenario by recommending some strategies to overcome this issue at individual, institutional and national level.


Non-therapeutic Communication, Psychiatric Clients, Acceptance, Respect.

How to Cite this Article?

Khalfan, Z.A.A., Ghazal, L., Dossa, K., and Hirani, A.A.A. (2015). Nurses' Value Conflict and its Impact on their Mentally Ill Clients. i-manager’s Journal on Nursing, 5(2), 29-32.


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