Nurses' Burnout: An Impact of Prolonged Stress

Sobia Idrees*, Abdul-Sattar**
* Nursing Instructor, College of Nursing, Pakistan Institute of Medical Science, Islamabad.
** Student, University of Hazara, Pakistan.
Periodicity:May - July'2015


In this modern era, health care has become more and more complex globally. Among all the health care providers, nurses and physicians are most likely to suffer from physical and emotional stress due to complex nature of job in the health care setting. This paper has highlighted the most probable factors of stress among nurses, and proposed some strategies by incorporating leadership and management theory in order to support recommendations at national and international level. Stress among nurses ultimately leads to burnout, which does not only affect their physical and psychological aspects of health but also organizational productivity and outcomes. Moreover, stress is the main leading cause of many other organizational issues including, lack of motivation, turnover, absenteeism, and so on.


Stress, Nurse Burnout, Stress Management, Health Care Providers.

How to Cite this Article?

Idress, S., and Abdul-Sattar (2015). Nurses' Burnout: An Impact of Prolonged Stress. i-manager’s Journal on Nursing, 5(2), 20-28.


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